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Support for St. Andrew's
Dear Friends,
as Christ has loved us.
(Ephesians 5:2)
That’s the theme of this year’s Stewardship Campaign, and it’s terrific.
It’s terrific in part because it points to all the ways in which all of you are “walking in love” in our midst. I mean, really!
- Loving our children and youth in the most stunning ways, from pineapple pizza to Creative Arts Camp to that amazing Sunday school march down the aisle every Sunday
- Making music, thanks to our choir and handbells and concerts, that makes our souls soar
- Praying for one another and putting feet on the prayers with food and cards and visits
- Contributing to and supporting Lydia’s Closet and Church without Walls
- Adopting families at Christmas, creating prayer shawls in the Praying Hands Group and making all sorts of gifts in the Creative Arts Group
- Providing meeting space for AA groups and other community support activities
- Offering the best Coffee Hour in the western hemisphere
- Giving adult education programs such as “Grace in the Ruin,” the Bible Study, and a book study
- And just last week, with thanks to St. Francis, blessing our animal companions
Furthermore, you are going to see and hear examples of our walking in love in the next month through testimonies by parishioners (they promise to keep them to 3 minutes), videos of ministries in our midst, articles in the weekly E-Blast, and Sunday bulletin inserts.
BUT… all these ministries would falter without the nuclear power plant that energizes them - “…as Christ has loved us.” So, in our Stewardship Campaign, we’re really going to focus on all the ways in which Amazing Grace is the foundation for all that we are and all that we do.
This is a wild time for the Christian Church, but I’m extremely excited about the future. We have good news to share with a troubled world: that in the death of resurrection of Jesus Christ, you and I are fully loved, fully forgiven, fully justified. So please prayerfully consider how you might give this year, as we continue to remind the world that we have a God “…who has loved us.”
Faithfully, in Christ,
The Very Rev. James G Munroe
Text "GiveStAndrews" to the number 73256 on your mobile device and it will prompt you to donate any amount to one of the current funds: Miscellaneous Donation.
If you would like to learn how to give with your credit card online through Realm, please set up an appointment with Carla, 413-567-5901, for her to walk you through it.
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- Please print and retain receipts for your tax information.
- If you wish to cancel your commitment, you will find cancellation information printed on the bottom of your first receipt. You can also always cancel by using the "Cancel Subscription" button above.