We invite you to get involved and be a vital part of our parish life and faith community. For more information, call the parish office at 413.567.5901 or e-mail: admin@st-andrews-longmeadow.org
Parish Community
Caregivers: Help provide meals and rides to parishioners in times of need.
Coffee Hour Ministry: Provides hospitality and coordinates the coffee hour folllowing the 10 a.m. service. Each team member provides foods and/or hosts once a month.
Newcomer Ministry: Provides a welcoming presence by acknowledging those who cross our doors. Oversee the process used to welcome newcomers and hosts semi-annual newcomer receptions.
Pastoral Care Team: Members of this group visit parishioners to pray with them and share Communion with them.
Prayer Ministry: A faithful group of people who pray daily for the specific needs and concerns of memebers of our parish.
Praying Hands Ministry: Members of this group crochet and knit prayer shawls, hats and mittens for those in need.
Small Groups: To help parishioners connect with one another in groups of 6-10 people, St. Andrew’s offers theme-based small groups and participants commit to the group a year at a time.
Women’s Fellowship Book Club: Connect with women of all ages and engage in book discussions and activities that build friendships and develop a strong support network as we grow in our walk with God.
Missions/Outreach Committee: Relieving hunger, homelessness and suffering locally, nationally and internationally. The committee designates funds provided by the parish, organizes food/gift drives, and plans volunteer opportunities.
Lydia’s Closet: Lydia’s Closet provides free clothing for infants through teenagers and baby and toddler gear. We collect donations of gently used and new children’s clothing to stock our shelves. Currently, we are seeing about 25-30 people come to us for help each month. Our clothing is available to foster families and low income families in the pioneer valley. We do not require a referral or proof of need to get clothing.
Young Family Ministries: Church School program for grades preschool – grade 5. Our mission help children gain knowledge of God through lesson, play and other activities that can be shown throughout their daily lives. Teachers and Helpers: A group of dedicated adults who are responsible for carrying out the parish’s church school program and special events.
Youth Ministry Team: A group of dedicated adults who mentor our youth in the faith through conversation and activities.
Spiritual Life Committee: Provides the place, atmosphere, and programs for adults to explore, nurture, enrich, and enhance their relationship with God.
Stewardship Formation Team: The St. Andrew’s Stewardship Team encourages joy through generosity. We strive to provide the resources needed to support the programs and mission of St. Andrew’s. Celebrate the joy of giving!
Contemplative Prayer Group: The purpose of this group is to explore and practice a myriad of contemplative prayer disciplines including Christian meditative, Centering Prayer, Lectio Divina and walking the labyrinth. It meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m.
Communications Strategy Team: This group designs communication tools for internal and external communication.
Technology Team: This group oversees the website, records services and events, and takes pictures of parish life.
Parish Office: This group consists of the office staff and office volunteers. They produce the worship guides, and weekly paper and digital news.
Worship Support
Acolytes and Crucifers: Participating as an Alcolyte/Crucifer provides you with a unique opportunity to more full participate in the worship service. An Alcolyte assists in worship by carrying a processional cross, lighting candles, holding the Gospel book, holding candles or “torches”, assisting a deacon or priest set up and clean up at the altar, handing the offering plates to ushers and many other tasks seen fit by the worship leader.
Altar Guild: This group has the responsibility for preparing the church and chapel for the three weekend, and two mid-week services.
Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers: Interested parishioners may choose to serve as Lay Readers, Lay Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors or Pastoral Eucharistic Ministers.
Music Ministry: Adult Choir sings each week at the Sunday 10am service and at a variety of special services during the year. All our welcome to join and enjoy the music and fellowship.
Handbell Choir is an enthusiastic group which rehearses weekly and performs throughout the year.
Ushers and Greeters: These volunteers provide a warm welcome to visitors and assist with direction during weekend services.
Coffee Hour Ministry: People who provide hospitality and coordinate the coffee hours following the 10 a.m. service.
Vestry: A group of parishioners who make up the legal representative of the parish. Responsibilities include defining, articulating and supporting the mission of the congregation, helping with effective organization and planning, and to help manage resources and finances.
Finance Committee: Reviews all matters pertaining to the financial affairs of the parish.
Property Committee: Monitors the maintenance of all church property on behalf of the vestry.
Office Volunteers: Assistants willing to help answer phones, coordinate mailings and help with other clerical tasks are always welcome in the parish office!