Who We Are
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church celebrates God’s love for all people as we grow together in God, invite others to experience God through Jesus Christ, and share in God’s work of changing lives in our community and beyond.
-St. Andrew’s Church Mission Statement
At St. Andrew’s, we…
- Welcome everyone to God’s table. We seek to include everyone in our ministries, wherever they can best serve and be served, regardless of race, ethnic background, gender identity, abilities, socioeconomic or marital status, sexual orientation, age, faith history or circumstance of life.
- Take seriously the baptismal promise to seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbors as ourselves. We do this in our commitment to our community partnerships, in our collaboration with neighboring faith communities and churches throughout the Diocese of Western Massachusetts, as well as in our daily lives.
- Value transformative, inspiring worship. We believe that our time in worship transforms us, connects us, inspires us to live with purpose. The Book of Common Prayer is the heart of our style of worship, and we incorporate resources from around the Anglican Communion. We sing a variety of hymns and songs including traditional American and British hymns, African American spirituals, Taize chants and songs, and praise songs. Most hymns are accompanied by the organ or piano. Guitar, percussion, flute, trumpet, oboe, and recorder are also used to enrich our worship.
- Seek to grow deeper in our faith. We recognize that there are always opportunities to grow in wisdom and holiness, and we seek to do that together as a community. We have educational and spiritual formation programs for all ages, and are always discerning how God is calling us to understand our faith, ourselves, and the world around us in new ways.

Worship Schedule
Each week we offer several different opportunities to worship with others, each with their own unique style. Try a few and see which ones feel like the best fit for you.
Saturday at 5:00pm: Holy Eucharist
A simple service in the chapel. A chance to reflect and renew for the week ahead.
Second Saturday of the Month at 5:00pm: Celtic Candlelight and Communion Service (October through March)
This popular service takes place in the Main Sanctuary and weaves together live music from the British Isles, candlelight, silence, and a Celtic style of prayer.
Sunday 8:00am: Holy Eucharist
A simple service in the chapel. A chance to reflect and renew for the week ahead.
Sunday 10:00 : Holy Eucharist
Our principal worship service of the week in our Main Sanctuary, with organ music and full choir (September-June). This service is full of joy and energy, and kids are welcome to make themselves at home in our Prayground or learn together at church school (September-June, and designated Sundays in the summer)
Weekdays at 8:00: Morning Prayer on Facebook Live
Join Fr. Jim Monroe and other area clergy on the St. Andrew’s Facebook Page for a time of prayer, scripture and reflection.
Tuesdays at 6pm: Contemplative Evening Prayer
A chance to center yourself midweek in the rhythm of prayer and scripture and an extended time for silent prayer in the chapel.
Wednesdays at Noon: Healing Eucharist
A simple service in the chapel with an opportunity for healing prayer.
Our Ministries
When you’re new to a church, you might wonder where you might fit and how your gifts can be utilized. At St. Andrew’s we understand that it takes all of us to make the work of the church possible.
We divide our many ministries into Key Ministry Areas. The following pages contain information about each of these areas. There are so many ways to be involved. If you’d like more information, contact the parish office at 413-567-5901 or admin@st-andrews-longmeadow.org.
Our worship ministries work in many ways to make community worship possible. These are the people who prepare the space, serve on the altar, provide music, create the livestream and more!
Music Ministries including:
- Adult Choir
- Children’s Choir
- Handbell Choir
- Instrumentalists
- Recorder Ensemble
Additional Worship Ministries Including:
- Acolytes and Crucifers
- Altar Guild
- Celtic Worship Team
- Lectors & Eucharistic Ministers Liturgical Design
- Livestream Team
- Sound Team
- Ushers and Greeters
Christians are called to grow continually in the knowledge and love of God, and our Education Ministries provide an opportunity to do just that, as well as to think about how our faith can be lived out in everyday life.
Christian Education for Children:
- Nursery (Age 0-3)
- Church School (Pre-K-5)
- Youth Group (Grades 6-12)
Adult Formation:
- Bible Study
- CONNECT Classes
- Advent and Lenten Series
- Coffee Hour Forums Series on a variety of topics: Tackling Evil, Celtic Spirituality, The Psalms, Embodying Advent, Book Studies, Film Discussions
Being a church is about practicing faith in community. We find ways throughout the year to build community, care for each other, and have fun together!
Community Ministries Include:
- Coffee Hour
- Cooking Group
- Creative Arts Ministry
- Daughters of the King
- Newcomer Ministry
- Pastoral Care
- Praying Hands
- Prayer Ministry
- Pumpkins and Pets
- The Society of St. Arbucks
- Women’s Fellowship
- Book Club
Our work extends far beyond the doors of our church, sharing God’s love into the community around us. Serving others is a fundamental part of the Christian life, and we carry this out through our Mission partnerships as well as many other organizations we support. There are so many ways to be involved!
We have several Mission Partnerships that were founded at St. Andrew’s that we continue to support in a wide variety of ways:
- Church Without Walls
- St. Andrew’s Good News Garden
- Lydia’s Closet
Additional Organizations we support:
ACTS Tutoring Program, Bay Path University, Big Blue Drop In Center, Community Survival Center, CROP Walk, Episcopal Relief and Development, Habitat for Humanity, Little Dresses for Africa, Longmeadow Food Pantry, Longmeadow PRIDE, Rachel’s Table, Springfield Rescue Mission
It takes many hands to make everything that happens at St. Andrew’s possible. These ministries support the organization, the building, our administrative staff, and provide leadership and vision for our parish.
- Communications Team
- Finance Committee
- Office Volunteers
- Property Committee
- Tellers
- Vestry
Contact Us for More Information, or See You at an Upcoming Service!
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church
335 Longmeadow Street
Longmeadow, MA 01106
Call: 413-567-5901
Email: admin@st-andrews-longmeadow.org