We strive to put our faith in action by helping fellow members of our human family through relief projects and societal change. Through a variety of activities, we try to make these words of Jesus a reality:
Then the king will say to those at his right hand, ‘Come, you that are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.’ Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink? And when was it that we saw you a stranger and welcomed you, or naked and gave you clothing? And when was it that we saw you sick or in prison and visited you?’ And the king will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.’ -Matthew 25:34-40
Through interaction with members of our human family, we find that the blessing is mutual – our lives are changed too!
Help Wanted at St. Andrew’s – Get Involved with Volunteer Opportunities
Altar Guild: The men and women of the altar guild work in teams of 3, one weekend a month, to prepare our altar for services. We are a friendly and flexible group that enjoy making everything “just so” for celebration of the Eucharist. No experience is needed, and the only thing a new member would do alone is wash the dishes! Contact: Susan Baldwin
Audio Team: Could you help the Audio Team, providing sound during the primary worship service on Sundays? Some experience would be great, but training will be provided if needed. Contact: Carole Sweet
Coffee Hour Bakers: Please consider signing on to join our Coffee Hour Bakers/Treat Providers (you, Big Y, Costco)! Schedule can be once a month, twice a month, the same Sunday each month-whatever works for you! We hope you’ll join Barista Steve and Mary in filling the table with your delicious goodies! Please join our Coffee Hour Ministry team to provide a great time of building community within our parish after the 10:00 service! Contact: Mary Strebel
Lectors needed: Do you enjoy reading the lessons ahead of the weekend services and spending quiet time absorbing their message? If so, consider becoming a lector and reading the Psalm and lesson at the 10 am service on Sundays. The commitment is only once every two months and you can trade your Sunday if your schedule changes. Contact: Carol Howland
Property: Help is still needed with specific tasks around the exterior of the building. There is a sign up sheet and photos of each task in the narthex. It’s all hedges, trimming, and weeding. Reach out to Bill Grace with any questions.
Liturgical Design Team: Our team strives to enhance the liturgy through visual meaning. The Bible readings and the changing seasons give us so much to work with. If you are a little creative and have enjoyed seeing the altar decorations, you will enjoy being part of the design team. Our work is also fun to do! Contact: Susan Baldwin or Peter Prewandowski
Lydia’s Closet Shopping Assistant: Would you like to help a “Mom” put together the perfect outfit for their child, while learning a little bit about their family? If so, would you consider taking a Sunday morning shift at Lydia’s Closet from 11:00 to 12:00 or maybe helping with families who come to shop during the week by appointment. Contact: Lorie Dixon
Lydia’s Closet Organizer: Do you keep your closets super organized? Do you have an eye for designing an appealing window display? If so, please consider helping out with keeping Lydia’s Closet organized and the shelves stocked. We’d love your help during the week with going through bags of donations and sorting and organizing the clothing. Our goal is to organize the Closet to make for an easy and pleasant shopping experience for our families. Volunteer times are completely flexible. Contact: Lorie Dixon
Music Ministry: Do you enjoy singing or playing an instrument? Singers and instrumentalists of all ages are welcome to join Joyful Noise (a children’s choir), Handbell Choir, Adult Choir and/or Recorder Ensemble (soprano, alto, tenor, bass or great bass recorders). Instrumentalists may also volunteer to play at a Sunday 10 a.m. service or at the pre-Christmas Eve music concert. Contact: Sue Riley, Director of Music.
Newcomers Ministry: Help to welcome new members to our parish community. Join others in helping our newest parishioners to feel at home. Contact: Rev. Charlotte
Ushers: Do you come to the 10:00 service on Sunday? Would you consider being one of the folks who welcome people when they walk in the door? The usher’s job is to make sure everyone has what they need to be comfortable and feel included whether they are “old timers” or new to the church. There is no commitment to usher a set number of times a month; the schedule is based on each person’s availability. Contact: Lorie Dixon
Acolyte Training: Have you seen our new acolytes? Would you like to train to become one? Please see Carole Sweet, before or after service, to schedule your training.
Ready to Help? Use our Form Below to Let Us Know You are Interested!
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Missions Outreach Committee
The Missions Outreach Committee relieves hunger, homelessness and suffering locally, nationally and internationally. The committee designates funds provided by the parish, organizes food/gift drives, and plans volunteer opportunities. Current projects include:
- Action Centered Tutoring Services (ACTS), in Springfield, provides free one-to-one tutoring and mentoring to the elementary children of Springfield, in the Spirit of Christ. Saint Andrew’s supports and is a tutoring site for the program. Several members of our congregation volunteer as tutors. We are also a distribution center for the annual mum sale in September, with congregation members participating in sales and distribution of the plants. Be matched with a student for a few short weeks this school year. It’s only 2 hours a week. Training will be provided. Our hope is that you will be drawn into the mission of ACTS which is “to provide 1:1 tutoring and mentoring to the elementary children of Springfield in the Spirit of Christ.” For more information, visit the ACTS website at www.acts86.org. If you are interested please see MaryEllen Brush, ACTS president, or contact Rev. Dr. Barbara Headley, Executive Director at (413) 731-9810 or at acts1986@gmail.com
- Adopt-a-Family
- We purchase and wrap Christmas gifts for 100 local people named by the Springfield Salvation Army’s Adopt-a-Family program. What a joyful way to spread the Good News and meet human needs!
- Church World Service CROP Walk
- We support this annual ecumenical walk, which raises awareness and funds to combat hunger locally and internationally. Church members volunteer to participate in the walk.
- Community Survival Center
- We support this non-profit agency which provides food and other basics to those struggling in Ludlow, Wilbraham, and Hampden as well as the 16 Acres, Pine Point and Indian Orchard neighborhoods in Springfield.
- Little Dresses for Africa
- Girls dresses and Boys shorts are sewn by volunteers and sent to various schools and orphananges in Africa.
- Longmeadow Loves
- Several times a year we collect diapers, wipes, pads, tampons and incontinence items to distribute to local non-profits to help meet personal needs.
- Mission Projects and Disaster Relief
- We support relief ministries sponsored by Church World Service, and Episcopal Relief & Development.
- Pumpkins and Pets on the Hill
- We support the community and add to our visibility in town by providing a a petting zoo for children, an opportunity to have personal pets blessed, and the sale of pumpkins and baked goods.