Children’s Formation
At St. Andrew’s, our children are an integral part of our faith family. We begin our learning by processing down the aisle at the start of the service, carrying a hand carved cross made just for children. We continue to our classrooms which are divided by grades: Pre-K through Grade 2 and Grade 3 through Grade 5. We light a candle to center ourselves and pray the Lord’s Prayer. Our lesson is read from a children’s storybook Bible and we continue with hands-on activities to enhance the learning of the liturgy. We read the weekly lesson so that parents and caregivers can discuss the liturgy with their children. Children return to church in time for the Great Thanksgiving where they rejoin their family. Our goal is to have a safe place for children to learn about God and Jesus as they become important members of our church family.
For our younger children, we have an area of the church called the Pray Ground where children may sit around a table to color while being supervised by their parents and caregivers.
We also have special offering envelopes for children who wish to contribute to the church.
Our Nursery is open for toddlers and babies and is staffed by a qualified teacher and assistant.
Children, Youth and Outreach:
Throughout the year the children participate in various church mission projects like:
• Help with our church mission, ACTS Mum Sale
• Ingathering of food for the pantry at Bay Path University and for the Longmeadow Food Pantry
• Community Survival Center Food Collection
• CROP Walk
• Gathering gifts for the Adopt -A-Child for Christmas family program
• Lydia’s Closet - Families have an opportunity to donate clothing and equipment as their children grow out of it to help support this mission.
Children and Music:
Cherub Children’s Choir
Our children’s choir is directed by St. Andrew's music director, Sue Riley and longtime choir member, Karen Gladwin. All children are invited to participate. The choir sings three to four times annually and practices three weeks before all performances usually during Church School.
Children, Fellowship and Special Events:
Shrove Tuesday
On Shrove Tuesday we have a special Pancake supper with games and prizes for all ages.
Ash Wednesday
On Ash Wednesday we have a special, short and kid friendly service for all families.
Good Friday
Journey through Holy Week with Jesus: Children explore the many aspects of Holy Week starting with Palm Sunday and ending with Easter Sunday with this interactive program.
Sundae Sunday
In June, we celebrate the end of the regular Church School year with a celebration to thank students, teachers, children and the congregation for their contributions to our program.
Pumpkins and Pets
In the fall various church groups work together for this community outreach event. The children enjoy a live petting zoo, crafts, a bake sale and picking out a pumpkin.
Christmas Pageant
During the 10 a.m. service on Advent 3 our children participate in a Christmas pageant. With our live streaming of the service, extended families have the opportunity to see their loved ones in action.